Friday, May 25, 2012


I arrived home last night at my Dads and had some HUGE cat cuddles from my little cat prince! :)
I got some more this afternoon when we had a cat nap together.
My little cat prince's name is Franklin, he is quite the adorabubble one <3
Oki joined in on our nap time too, she pretends to hate Franklin but really she loves him... sometimes.

I also finished and framed a picture for Dads birthday which

is tomorrow. Gosh I've been a busy little bee!

 It's done in charcoal and was supposed to be a kingfisher but looks a lot more like a kookaburra.

Now I didn't just start this entry to ramble on about my day, no, I came on here to tell you about what I'm making! Wooohooooo! More the materials than the actual product...

Alright, so I try to source as much as I can from Australia (where I live) and majority of my materials are successfully obtained from here but alas at times it is just plain easier to source things from overseas. Easier and cheaper...

The material that I use has all been locally sourced from retailers over the years, so it's relatively old and the odds of there being any of it left in the shops are low. Given this, at the moment I guess I would consider the patterns quite unique.

Both the earring and brooch backings are from Australian retailers and suppliers.
The silver earring backings are 100% surgical steel, even my super sensitive ears are pretty good with them! So I was quite impressed by the quality.
The gold ones are gold plated and I haven’t tried using them yet so I’m not really sure how they go, but they seem to be good quality as well. The only problem that I found with the earring backings was that I tried several different sellers and of those only one actually sent them with backings, the others only sent the posts! Talk about frustrating!

With the ring bases I was pretty much forced to source from overseas, although I will be reviewing this and looking for new suppliers because the language barrier and confusion can get a bit much at times. But in the end the prices of the ones here in Australia are just so inflated that it become ridiculous! And they are the same quality so unfortunately there are no real perks! If there was a real difference in quality and not just price I would definitely source from here...

Alas that is the story so far.
Oki keeps looking at me...

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